WOODBRIDGE High has been named as one of the best schools in the country for helping sixth form pupils to improve their work in the classroom.

The secondary school, on St Barnabas Road in Woodford Green, has been placed in the top five per cent nationwide on the Government’s Contextual Value Added (CVA) table, which measures student progress and achievement compared with their prior attainment.

Headteacher Andrew Beaumont, said he was delighted with the news.

He added: "This is a huge achievement that highlights the dedication and commitment of our students, staff and parents.

“A combination of hard work, motivation and high-quality teaching has provided our students with the best possible platform for their future careers.

“We have a successful, expanding Sixth Form that is going from strength to strength.”

The top five per cent of schools across the UK achieved a score of 1,033 or higher, with 1,000 being the average.

Woodbridge students got an impressive score of 1,040.

The higher the CVA score, the higher the students’ achievements in relation to their ability. This is calculated by comparing their achievements with those of other pupils nationally who had the same or similar prior attainment.

This then predicts what a child's attainment should be compared with other children with similar prior attainment and backgrounds.

The idea is that how they actually performed - better or worse than the others - is down to the school's influence.

According to the Government: “this is fairer than using raw outcomes since schools can have very different levels of attainment on entry.”

It comes after schools in Redbridge generally were ranked the third best in the country, based on the number of students who achieved five A* to C grades at GCSE level last year.