CLYDE Loakes has declined to speak to the Guardian directly about standing down as council leader in May.

In a statement issued by the Labour group, Cllr Loakes said: "Our annual general meeting process is clearly laid out and nominations for the leadership close on April 24.

"We are not intending to conduct the election process through the local newspaper."

Sources close to the authority’s Labour and Lib Dem-run administration have revealed that Cllr Loakes will not contest the Labour group leadership, preferring instead to concentrate on his bid to become the MP for Northampton South.

Cllr John Macklin, Lib Dem group leader, whose party are in coalition with Labour, welcomed Cllr Loakes' decision.

He said: "I think he needs to go so the council can move on.

"It enables closure, otherwise there is a danger the Labour group members will focus on jockeying for position rather than improving services for residents."

Cllr Matt Davis, Conservative group leader, said that he hopes Cllr Loakes' departure is motivated by his future parliamentary ambitions and is not to escape the ramifications of the ongoing enquiries into the mismanagement of Better Neighbourhood Initative (BNI) funds.

He added: "Having said that, I wish him well for the future."

Cllr Chris Robbins, the cabinet member for young children, is believed to be the favourite to replace Cllr Loakes.