A CHARITY is to vet council decisions on taking children into care.

Coram, which works with vulnerable children and young people, were given a three-year contract to scrutinise decisions by social workers to take children into care.

The move is also designed to cut delays in the time it takes to put children into care.

It comes as Lord Laming slammed child protection services nationally and aims to make sure the decision is sound before taking it to court.

Cabinet member for children and young people Cllr Chris Robbins said: "This is an organisation that we've commissioned to assess cases where we're about to go to court to take a child into care.

"If we have a child that's on the protection list, where the family has perhaps not responded effectively enough, Coram will look at the paperwork and ensure that the family has been given appropriate support."

He added that the scheme is a pilot in the borough and is designed to make sure the council is fully ready to go to court.

"Legislation has moved on," he said.

"This provides a much more efficient service following a recommendation by the Government about 18 months ago."

Cllr Robbins also stressed that this was a positive step and that the scheme was being examined for use in other parts of the country.

He said: "It's a safety mechanism to make sure everything's been done correctly.

"We will probably run it for about six months before we have another review but so far, I've not heard any adverse comments.

"It will ensure the borough has the support it needs and the families have the support they need."