HE'S the apprentice who said ‘you’re fired’ to Sir Alan Sugar.

Chigwell entrepreneur Adam Freeman, who runs the loans website www.mrlender.com, dropped out of the hit TV show hours before it started, avoiding the media circus that was about to engulf his fellow contestants.

Each week, Adam will give his verdict on how he thinks each of the candidates have performed.

EMPIRE Mona Lewis – Mona can apparently speak six languages and is very well educated but doesn’t know what a duster is (the car washing task) and she now doesn’t seem to know the difference between a ‘man’ and a ‘woman’! She was the right candidate to get fired this week as it was a creative task and creativity is something that she admits to lack. Didn’t really offer much in the task apart from chatting to locals and ‘gays and lesbians’ which was as uncomfortable to watch as she seemed to feel.

Howard Ebison – The strongest candidate in the task for ideas and creativity. Should have been team leader in this task although once again, towering Debra over-ruled. The Gay brand message seemed to be in the background of the campaign and Howard should have pushed the rebrand and idea more, he had more belief during his pitch. Note: When presenting to the ‘People of Margate’ don’t ask stupid questions such as ‘Do you know Margate?’.

Debra Barr – She nominated herself as team leader for this task. Completely disregarded what anyone else had to say throughout even though her team’s input evidently proved to be better than her own judgment. Maybe if she had listened more, they may not have lost the task. Lying about the blank space on the leaflet was just stupid and insulting to the ‘POMs’. She must learn the difference between bullying and managing.

James McQuillan – No doubt the term ‘Cod S***’ will become more popular after James used it to reference the posters that the team produced. He surprisingly came up with the Gay idea for the rebranding of Margate and was hands-on throughout the task.

IGNITE Lorraine Tighe – ‘See Margate through children’s eyes’ was Lorraine’s instinctive vibe for the rebrand message which I think is a little creepy and strange. She also seems to suffer from ‘Debra-itus’ (not listening to what other people are saying) and just goes straight for the kill all the time. If she worked for me, I would ban her from presentations and also ban her from being in the room whilst a presentation is in progress because she replies to questions, thinks about what she said and then most probably regrets her input. She kept arguing that a poster is a vision and not a holiday product that you can’t touch – answers on a postcard please… Kate Walsh – Was Yasmina’s sidekick in auditioning for mum and dad (with the perfect torso). Gave good presentations at both meetings and you could see she convinced the ‘People of Margate’ that she believed in her rebrand.

Ben Clarke – Was selected as photographer for this task and a great choice too, as he seemed to have a built in go-go-gadget camera. I wonder if he also had go-go-gadget binoculars and go-go-gadget legs. Possibly the reason why he obtained a scholarship at Sandhurst? Secret weapon commando Ben.

Yasmina Siadatan –Self-elected leader for team Ignite and did a much better job than her counterpart in the opposing team. Reference to Lorraine being ‘crazy’ was a good observation. Was very disappointed that there were no white spaces on the photos for her promotional text which nearly sparked a full blown fight between her and Lorraine because the photos were not a holiday product and couldn’t be touched – eh?