As the NHS receives such a lot of bad publicity and criticism I must write about my recent experience in Whipps Cross Hospital for an operation.

I am happy to say that the standard of care, nursing and everything else was outstanding and exemplary .

I cannot speak too highly of it and cannot believe that it could be bettered anywhere and probably not equalled in many places.

The staff are so cheerful, friendly, helpful, gentle, caring and efficient and, although we all want to go home, I can actually say truthfully that I enjoyed my stay and it was very restful.

I was particularly impressed by the sisters and staff nurses and the way in which they ensured that everything was right.

This also applies to all the other hospital staff with whom I came into contact – doctors, pharmacist, clerks, theatre staff, catering, cleaning and anybody I have forgotten.

We are very lucky to have Whipps Cross as our local hospital.

Derek Pedder, Pole Hill Road, Chingford