A LEADING Waltham Forest councillor has visited the Prime Minister to discuss plans to help more disabled people get into parliament.

Cllr Marie Pye, the council's cabinet member for housing, and who is disabled herself, had a private meeting with Gordon Brown.

She said Mr Brown promised do remove barriers preventing disabled people from entering politics.

Cllr Pye said: “It was a real honour to have a private meeting with the Prime Minister and to get his support on such an important issue.

“It is essential that our key decision-making bodies, most importantly Westminster, reflect the people that decisions are made on behalf of.

“This can only improve its understanding of everyday life and improve its decision-making.  “Disabled people can bring a wealth of experience, expertise and views to Westminster.  “Our political system can only benefit from this.”

Cllr Pye has been supporting disability charity Scope's Time to Get Equal week (June 8 to 14).

The charity is calling for disabled people's voices to be heard at every level of society.

Mr Brown said: “'The Labour Party is committed to ensuring that disabled people who would make good parliamentary candidates are not denied the opportunity. I am particularly pleased to be focusing on this important issue during Scope's Time to Get Equal Week which celebrates the contribution disabled people make to our national life.