A LONG awaited parking review is finally being held in Epping, but residents have just two weeks to respond to the plans.

Parking problems have been going on for months including commuters dumping their cars along residential streets, a lack of parking at the tube station and along the high street, and motorists speeding along roads where restrictions are in place.

The County Council promised that a review would be carried out, but have given only until July 3 for people to comment on the proposals.

Epping has been split into eight zones and plans include introducing double yellow lines, restrictions between 10am and 11am Monday to Friday and resident parking bays between Monday and Friday from 10am to 4pm.

The County Council is conducting the review for Epping Forest District Council to change the scheme which was implemented in August 2007.

It is being held in response to complaints from residents and businesses since the original restrictions were put in place.

To view the proposals click here

Let us know what you think of the plans by leaving your comments below or emailing eroberts@london.newsquest.co.uk.