THE row over a Walthamstow Controlled Parking Zone (CPZ) continues as residents claim nothing has been done to alleviate problems.

Nick Woods, an engineer of Carr Road and member of William Morris Car Parking Action Group (WMCPAG), said: “We've written to the chief executive to find out whether there's been a slip-up in due process.

“We think there are no grounds for implementing a CPZ.”

The CPZ was implemented in January for an “experimental period” of six months in streets including Winns Terrace and Winns Avenue, near Lloyd Park.

But motorists began using nearby Carr, Elphinstone and Fleeming Roads to avoid paying charges, causing parking chaos, WMCPAG claims.

A meeting with residents, councillors and officers was held in March after calls were made for a fresh look at the CPZ but Dr Woods claims no action has been taken since then.

“They've done nothing to ease the situation,” he said.

“Cllr John Macklin told us the council would be putting together a plan of eight points.

“One of them was to suspend the CPZ on Winns Avenue until another consultation had been carried out to figure out if it was the cause of all the problems.”

But this did not happen, Dr Woods said, and the CPZ remains in place even though the experimental period has elapsed.

He added that only residents can obtain permits to park in Winns Terrace, which is preventing people from leaving their cars there to visit Lloyd and Aveling Park.

“The system is selfish and exclusive,” he said.

"Why is it open to some and not others?"

The council confirmed more residents of Winns Avenue were against implementing the CPZ than in favour, with a split of about 60 per cent to 40 per cent.

Cabinet member for environment Cllr Bob Belam said: "Council policy is that after discussions with the ward councillors that CPZs are introduced only in areas where consultation has been carried out and a majority of responses in favour.

"In this case, therefore, the council had the option of excluding Winns Avenue from the CPZ but decided to include because most people in the whole area were in favour.

"It was felt that omitting Winns Avenue from the CPZ would have resulted in extremely high levels of non resident parking in the road."

Cllr Belam confirmed the experimental period expired on May 31 and the council is now looking at the results of various parking surveys, as well as representations for and against the CPZ.

He added: "The council will then decide whether any changes to the experimental scheme are required.

"If changes are proposed it may then be necessary to carry out further consultation in the CPZ area."