A PATIENT who slammed conditions at Naseberry Court mental health unit says things have now improved – although there is still a shortage of beds, Christine Smith, 62, of Bushwood Road, Leytonstone, is treated for manic depression in Naseberry Court, in Merriam Road, Chingford.

She has previously told the Guardian too many patients are being moved to Mascalls Park unit, in Brentwood, Essex, because of a beds shortage. She also criticised the lack of time available for staff to speak to patients, the lack of a proper checklist to make sure patients are going home to a suitable environment and errors over who to admit to the unit.

But Dr Smith, a former psycho-pharmacology teacher, says most of these problems have now been addressed.

But she said: “Staff still spend too much time finding a bed for a patient and this puts them under pressure.

“That is the picture of mental health services in 2009, overwhelming pressures with underwhelming resources.

“But there is good news, recently the inpatient experience has been better.”

Dr Smith said a new scheme called Star Wards, which includes daily activities for patients, has had a positive effect.