A SOCIAL scheme to help mums back into work has more places available.

Women Like Us has just received extra funding from the Waltham Forest WorkNet Partnership, creating 21 places for mums currently out of work who need advice.

Since 2005, Women Like Us has been helping mums back to work after having children through a combination of outreach services, career advice and part-time job matching.

The award-winning organisation also runs free workshops in confidence-building and helping with CV and interview skills.

It also helps women find part-time jobs with hours that fit around family life.

Sarah Archer, a career coach at Women Like Us said: “I know that many mums in Waltham Forest find the idea of going back to work one day daunting, something we completely understand.

"Whether you have been away from the workplace for 20 months or 20 years, you are still the same person you were before you had your children, just with added skills and experience."

Any Waltham Forest mum who is out of work and interested in getting assistance should register before Tuesday June 30, by calling 020 7281 6522 or registering at womenlikeus.org.uk