MORE than 4,000 people complained about noisy neighbours last year in Redbridge, according to a new report.

A Freedom of Information request to councils across Britain has revealed Redbridge is the ninth noisiest borough in London.

In total, 4,138 people complained to Redbridge Council about loud volumes coming from private premises last year, according to the research by an insulation company.

The news has come as no surprise to 40-year-old Lisa White, who found her noisy neighbours in Woodford Green's Ray Lodge Estate so unbearable that she moved out of the borough altogether.

She said: "I just couldn't deal or cope with it anymore.

"One man on the estate would regularly come home at 5am and start playing his music so loud all the furniture in my home would vibrate.

"But it wasn't just music. You'd hear people fighting and arguing, perhaps it was the way the building was designed, but it was just so, so loud all through the night.

"Some of my neighbours would ask people to turn it down, but a lot of the people playing loud music were on drugs and just wouldn't listen."

Ms White, who now lives in Braintree and works as a volunteer for an autistic group, added: "Whenever I complained to the council they would ask me to keep a diary of the noise, but I think councils should do more themselves to tackle the problem.

"At least now though I can relax in my new home, it seems so much quieter here than where I was in Woodford."

Top of the noise league last year was the borough of Westminster, which had nearly 10,000 complaints from residents.

In stark contrast were the Isles of Scilly, with no noise complaints at all.

The news comes following Redbridge Council's announcement last month that it would double the number of anti-social behaviour staff during the warm summer months, with an increase in private parties predicted across the borough as temperatures rise.

The authority's anti-social behaviour team will be available until 4am on Friday and Saturdays, compared to their usual 2am finish, until the end of August.

To report a noise nuisance from 9am to 5pm between Monday and Friday call 8554 5000.

The out of hours service team can be contacted on 8478 4679 from 5pm to 1am Sunday to Thursday and from 12pm to 4am on Fridays and Saturdays.