A LEYTON school has been given a glowing report by Ofsted inspectors.

George Mitchell School, in Farmer Road, received a two-day survey inspection, focussing specifically on its personal, social, health and economic education (PSHEE) programme.

A report released yesterday (Wednesday) states: “Students' personal development is excellent and they are exceptionally confident, caring and welcoming.

“Students eagerly express their views, listen to each other and know that their opinions are valued.”

The report goes on to say that students the quality of PSHEE teaching is outstanding, citing relationships between staff and pupils as “positive and purposeful”.

It adds: “The care and support for students are outstanding, so pupils feel very safe and that adults listen to them.”

Information, advice and guidance are cited as being “extremely good” with an “excellent programme of careers education”.

However, the quality of the curriculum was deemed satisfactory and the report states “students are not always informed about what they are learning and why”.

The report also highlights the lack of an overall scheme of work to “identify gaps”.

Areas for improvement included developing more assessment tasks within the subject and making sure PSHEE is monitored to pick up “strengths and areas for development”.

The inspection included interviews with headteacher Helen Jeffery, some staff and older students at the school.

Mrs Jeffery said: “I am absolutely delighted that, once again, we were judged good with many outstanding features.

“What a fantastic way for staff and students to end the year – they all did the school proud."

The results of the inspection will contribute to a national report and evaluation.