TWO Redbridge secondary schools may gain an extra class each to match a surge in the number of primary school children.

The Cabinet will meet next week and are expected to give the go-ahead for a new year seven class in September 2010 and one in 2011.

They will also be asked to agree to commission feasibility work to establish how six new classes can be opened in the borough by September 2013.

Cllr Gary Monro, Cabinet Member for Children's Services, said: "Redbridge, like many other London boroughs is seeing unprecedented levels of applications and record increases in pupil numbers in a year group.

“Therefore we are doing everything we can to cope with this demand.

"It is wise, even though we are showing a surplus of places in the future, to plan for increase capacity within the secondary sector in the short term, as it is impossible to calculate exactly the number of pupils we need to cater for."

The Cabinet will meet on Tuesday, July 28 at Ilford Town Hall at 7.15pm.