A LEYTONSTONE church has launched a campaign aimed at helping young people who are unemployed.

Called “A Place For Me?”, the campaign is being run by Reverend Raymond Draper at St John's Church, in the High Road.

Rev Draper said: “I was involved from 1980 to 2000 in youth unemployment projects in south Yorkshire.

“Since last year, I've been advising the diocese of Chelmsford on how we should respond to the recession and I've written some new material on youth unemployment.”

The campaign encourages young people to “create a place for themselves” outside the workplace by seeking help from and offering it to friends and family.

A document written by Rev Draper states: “From your friends and family, you can learn skills that will help you all your life.”

It also encourages young people to set up new groups for activities including sport, music and art and suggests setting up their own businesses.

Rev Draper added: “The question for many young people is not 'what am I going to do for a job' but 'how do I find my place when there are no jobs'.

“The answer is simple but challenging. They have to create a place for themselves by using the gifts they've already got.”

Rev Draper spent 20 years working on youth unemployment projects and has been the vicar at St John's for nine years.

For more information and contact details, visit stjohns-leytonstone.org.uk