THE New Lammas Lands Defence Committee (NLLDC) will seek the opinions of its members on council proposals set to change the face of Leyton and Leytonstone.

The committee, which exists to preserve the ancient Lammas Lands in Leyton, will hold its annual picnic in Marsh Lane Fields on August 2, near the Eton Manor Cottage picnic area.

It will celebrate Lammastide, or the feast of the first harvest, and will also ask members of the committee for their opinions on the council's Northern Olympic Fringe Draft Masterplan.

The document, released on July 8, details possibilities for large-scale redevelopments in Leyton and Leytonstone in the run up to the 2012 Games and beyond, including part of the Lammas Lands.

Joe Ward, who is the chairman of the NLLDC, said: “It's certainly a very ambitious plan for the area, the like of which hasn't been seen in the borough.

“It goes right from Newham up to Lea Bridge Road and it's the sort of thing that anybody with an interest in green space will want to look at very, very carefully.”

Mr Ward added that the document included a number of positive suggestions for protecting green space.

He said: “There's a massive green agenda attached to this and I do welcome the commitment to that.”

Proposals in the draft masterplan include transforming the area to the north of Marsh Lane into a sports and recreation park as well as redeveloping industrial sites along Dagenham Brook.

Mr Ward added: “One thing we're also very keen on is the reopening of Lea Bridge Station.”

The NLLDC will discuss the proposals with its members in greater detail at its monthly meeting, which has been brought forward to August 13.

The council is currently undertaking a major consultation to find out what residents want from the proposed redevelopment.