DEAF people say they are anxious about the swine flu pandemic because information for people with impaired hearing has not been made widely available.

Paul Cripps, who runs the Deaf Unlimited club at the Lion and Key pub in Leyton High Road, believes members have been overlooked.

He said: “I've seen many television and newspaper adverts warning of swine flu, which give a number for the hotline but no information about access for deaf people.

“Most members of Deaf Unlimited are panicking because they don't know how to contact the NHS or how to get Tamiflu.

“I'm also concerned about the elderly or deaf parents with young children because they could become isolated at home.”

The group also says the textphone service can end up costing twice as much as a normal call to the hotline if the typetalk facility is used.

A spokeswoman Waltham Forest NHS Primary Care Trust said it will look into the issue and will be making the textphone number more widely available.