PARENTS are invited to voice their opinions on a plan to create two new primary schools by amalgamating existing junior and infant schools.

The two are the existing Davies Lane Schools, in Leytonstone, and the Newport Schools in Newport Road, Leyton.

In the case of Davies Lane, the junior school would close and the infant school become an all-through primary for children aged five to 11 with an attached nursery.

These two schools already have a special arrangement to collaborate.

The Newport Schools, if they join up, would serve children from three to 11.

The proposals are set out in a leaflet to parents, carers and other interested parties.

They explain the view of EduAction and the council that all-through primaries allow pupils' progress to be tracked more efficiently, develop more sharing of staff knowlege, and avoid disruption for children who don't have to change schools at seven.

Your views should be expressed in writing using a response sheet which is available from 8496 5868 and must be returned by Monday, February 23.

The final decision will be taken by the local education authority, the borough's schools organisation committee or the schools' adjudicator in the case of a dispute.

If agreed, the changes will come into force in September.