AN evening of ballroom dancing is to come to Woodford Green as part of the Woodford Festival.

'Strictly Woodford Dancing' will take place on October 9 at the Woodford Wells Sports Club in Monkhams Lane and is set to feature a live band and Latin American 'show dances'.

The Jeff Short Band and Singers are set to provide the music and professional dancers Damian Duffy and Alicia Bonet-Tyler will provide the interval entertainment.

There will also be a raffle, with prizes including sweet hampers, cinema vouchers, beauty shop treatments and meals for two in local restaurants.

Tickets are £10 and the dance begins at 8pm. For information and tickets, call 8505 9274 or email

For details on the Woodford Festival, visit

A printed programme will be available later this month from South Woodford and Woodford libraries, shops, businesses and venues throughout the greater Woodford area.