'ALLO 'Allo star Vicki Michelle was on hand to open a new resource centre for blind and visually impaired people.

The centre, at Loughton Library, in Traps Hill, is run by the Essex Blind Charity, and offers a wide-range of visual aids to make people's lives more comfortable and independent.

Trained staff will be able to offer advice on purchases and much of the equipment can be tried out on the spot.

Charity fundraiser Vanda Watling said: “These Resource Centres can be a lifeline for the visually impaired person to remain self-reliant, as they can continue to carry out ordinary activities, such as shopping, cooking, reading and writing, and other activities essential to daily life that most people take for granted.”

Essex Blind Charity run a total of nine resource centres in the county. Their newest Loughton branch will be open one Wednesday a month.

For more information call 0870 240 5418 or visit essexblind.co.uk.