POLICE have released the latest results of a special operation targeting illegal DVD sellers, street gamblers and anti-social behaviour.

A total of six people have been arrested after Operation Mirage, which targeted problems in Leyton Mills shopping centre in September and October.

The operation involved 12 officers and was the result of intelligence gathered since a special drive began in March to reduce the problem.

Police also seized 650 DVDs during the operation and have taken as many as 14,000 since the drive began.

They arrested two street gamblers and four illegal DVD sellers.

Sergeant Ian Bargus, who is based full-time at Leyton Mills, said: “There are still a few die-hards but we patrol down there 24/7.

“I think we've got three of our four main DVD sellers.”

He added that calls about crime in Leyton Mills make up about 10 to 15 per cent of the calls received by police in the borough.

Three officers are based at Leyton Mills full time and have also targeted uninsured drivers and drug dealers.

An automated number plate reading (ANPR) operation in October saw 16 vehicles seized as well as an arrest for possession of cannabis and the recovery of £3,000 in unpaid fines.

Another ANPR operation is planned for the new year.

The scheme has also seen involvement from the council's Tactical Joint Action Group, which works to respond to crime trends in the borough.

Leyton Mills now has its own Safer Neighbourhoods Team and priorities are being set for policing there.