ESSEX County Council has unveiled proposals to raise its share of council tax by 1.9 per cent this year.

The rise represents an increase of £20.25p up to £1,086.75p this year for medium band D households.

The increase - which is below the rate of inflation at 2.9 per cent - comes despite the authority declaring that it needs to make widespread cuts and efficiency savings amid the current economic downturn.

The announcement also comes a week after the authority issued a statement warning of "tough times" and making reference to other councils raising taxes above the rate of inflation.

Cllr Sarah Candy, the authority's cabinet member for finance, said:‪ "Despite the perilous state of the public finances and ever increasing demands we are determined to deliver value for money for the people of Essex.‪

"We have accelerated our transformation programme, streamlining our back office so that we can put savings back into frontline services."

"All these efforts have enabled us to deliver savings, efficiencies and increased income in the last year of around £85 million and have allowed us to put forward another below inflation level of council tax."‪‪

The proposal must first be approved by various council committees before being voted on by the full council on Tuesday February 9.

The total tax amount each household pays will also include the district council's precept, a police and fire service precept and parish council precepts.