A ROADSHOW discussing plans for a radical shake-up of healthcare has been postponed due to an outbreak of the norovirus.

The roadshow, part of the Healthcare for North East London (Health4NEL) review, was due to take place tomorrow at Whipps Cross University Hospital but had to be held back as the hospital remains closed to visitors because of the bug.

The hospital has closed all wards to members of the public and 11 wards are not accepting new admissions after the norovirus, or winter vomiting bug, was found to be present earlier this month.

A consultation is currently underway through Health4NEL to gain the views of the public on planned changes for healthcare provision.

Proposals include sharing services out among hospitals in the area, as well as a possible extension of Accident and Emergency at Whipps Cross.

The consultation began on November 30 and is due to conclude on March 8.

The roadshow was set to be held in the coffee shop from 10am to 4pm but has had to be postponed until the hospital is fully reopend.

For more information on the norovirus outbreak, visit www.whippsx.nhs.uk or call 8539 5522

For more details on the Health4NEL consultation, visit health4nel.nhs.uk or call 7092 5495