POLICE were out in force during the recent snow to give people important advice in preventing crime over the winter.

Members of the Roding Safer Neighbourhoods Team (SNT) visited seven different locations to give a series of briefings over the new year.

Over three days officers went door-to-door to visit more than 100 residents discussing their concerns, and give important tips to help them stay safe and avoid becoming the victims of crime.

Sergeant Marion Kent said: "Roding Team are committed to keeping residents informed and suitably advised in order to prevent crime on the ward.

"The briefings had been arranged prior to the onset of snow so, in order to still achieve our aim, officers called door to door.

“This is another example of the dedication of Roding Team Officers to the welfare of the ward community."

For more information visit met.police.uk/saferneighbourhoods or call 020 8721 2565.