SPECIAL needs children were left high and dry on Monday by the company employed to transport them to school.

CT Plus is the company contracted by EduAction, which manages school services in Waltham Forest, to provide buses for children with special educational needs.

On Monday, the first day of term, a catalogue of disasters meant the bus service failed to collect vulnerable children from pick-up points and other children found their names were not even on drivers' lists.

According to reports from anxious parents, some children found themselves stuck on buses for up to two hours, half an hour over the 90 minutes maximum stipulated in the contract.

Alexander Flaherty Burton, 11, of Pentire Road, Walthamstow, cannot read or write and suffers with continence problems. He was due to be picked up near his home at 7.10am for the journey to William Morris School in Folly Lane, Walthamstow.

Half an hour later the bus had not arrived and his mother, Fiona Flaherty, had heard nothing from CT Plus or EduAction.

She said: "We were already shocked at the length of time Alexander would have to spend on the bus and when it failed to turn up, the least we expected was an explanation.

"When I called the company it said it was unaware of the problem. Ten minutes later it said there was a 45-minute delay."

Ms Flaherty took Alexander to school herself to make sure he arrived on time.

On Tuesday when he was picked up, his name was missing from the school list for transport at the other end and several other parents say their children have been omitted from CT Plus lists.

Elkie Man, 18, a disabled student with learning difficulties, has attended William Morris School since she was 11 and normally takes CT Plus Transport. On Monday her name was not on the list.

Saimui Man, her mother, said: "We were simply missing from the list and no-one knew why. My daughter needs consistency and situations like this are not good for her."

A spokesman for CT Plus said: "The vehicle scheduled to this route broke down. The first day of term is naturally hectic with numerous calls coming in from parents. For these reasons it was been possible to contact parents of the delay in advance.

"We are extremely sorry about this. We do recognise that Alexander was being collected from a pick up point which makes the situation less acceptable."

"EduAction has asked CT Plus to comfirm action taken to rectify the problem and said it will follow the situation at regular contract monitoring meetings."

Parents who wish to raise their concerns can contact Ms Flaherty on 8923 4692.