A RAFT of residents' permit parking zones, double yellow lines and no waiting restrictions are to be introduced in Epping following the completion of Essex County Council's parking review of the area.

The authority has issued notification orders for the changes across the town.

It comes after a long-running and delayed consultation process, which first began last summer.

The changes include the extension of double yellow lines in Stonards Hill and residents' parking in St John's Road.

There will also be residents' parking and pay and display metres introduced to Kendal Avenue and Woodland Grove.

The charge will be £1.40p for up to two hours or £2.80p for over two hours.

The proposals have been cautiously welcomed by households in Stonards Hill, where residents have been calling for measures to stop commuters parking in their street.

Resident Bill Towers, 59, said: "I'm quite happy with them, but the council could have been a bit more thoughtful about where exactly they're going to put the lines.

“It's bound to have some impact, and it's got to be an improvement, but I think they could have done more. But I don't think they took any notice of what the residents told them. They only really had the consultation with themselves.

“What they should be looking at is creating more car parking space for shoppers, to get people here to stop the town dying. There's not enough car parks.”

However commuter Derek Davis, 52, who works for a firm in Epping High Street, said the increased restrictions would cause problems for businesses and their workers.

He said: “I can understand the residents' frustration about the road getting clogged up but there's not a great deal of parking in the area and the restrictions are going to make it very difficult to park.

“The council don't really seem to be looking at what's best for everyone, I think they see it more as a revenue stream.”

Tower Road resident David Clancy said he felt the new restrictions would simply displace the problem of commuter parking, not alleviate it.

He said: "I thought the long-suffering residents of Tower Road might get some respite. Sadly, this is not to be.

"Residents' parking zones are being introduced in nearby Crows Road and Upper and Lower Swaines. This will simply serve to force commuters across to Tower Road, thereby exacerbating our traffic problem."

Click here for a full street-by-street list.

Residents have until Monday May 24 to object to the plans.

The results of a parking review in Buckhurst Hill are due to be announced at the end of May, while the outcome of a parking review in Loughton will be revealed in August.

What do you think about the proposals? Will they make parking better or worse in your street? We want to hear your views. Contact reporter Daniel Binns on 0779 547 6625 or via email at dbinns@london.newsquest.co.uk