PEOPLE with arthritis are being urged not to suffer in silence as the health service seeks to raise awareness of the condition.

NHS Redbridge has announced that next week will be 'Arthritis care week' in an effort to make residents more knowledgeable about the condition and the kind of care and support that is available.

According to the health trust, arthritis is the largest cause of physical disability in the UK and the common cause of chronic pain.

However, much can be done to ease the symptoms. Tips from the health service include:

- Keep a diary of when your arthritis is at its worst to map out when it might most affect you or triggers which affect you.

- Change your life ‘gear’, such as slowing down your pace and focusing on all the things which make you happy and de-stress you such as playing with grandchildren, watching your favourite TV programmes or reading.

- Eat a healthy diet, including at least five portions of fruit and vegetables, protein and healthy carbohydrates (wholemeal bread and pasta, rice and potatoes) and avoiding junk food and take-aways.

- Most people feel if they are in pain they can’t exercise, but chair-based exercise classes, stretches or cycle are all beneficial (the more you exercise the better you will feel).

- Medication and relaxation techniques have been proven to have a really great impact upon how people cope with their conditions.

- An active social life, such as seeing friends and family or taking up a hobby, is a great way of managing your condition and feeling good about yourself.

- Joining a local support group, such as the Redbridge Arthritis group or the Expert Patient Programme (EPP).

For more details, contact Arthritis Care South England on 0207 380 6509/10 or 0844 888 2111.

For more information on the Expert Patient Programme, contact the Redbridge Diabetes Centre on 020 8491 1570