CRITICALLY ill patients in Epping Forest will be reached faster than ever before thanks to Essex Air Ambulance's new emergency helicopter, the charity has said.

Its new 'MD902 Explorer' model craft has just been unveiled, which can fly at 150 miles per hour and can reach anywhere in Essex within 15 minutes.

The new chopper also marks the start of a new deal with Medical Aviation Services, who currently operate Hertfordshire's Air Ambulance Service.

Cliff Gale, Operations Director said, “Having the same operator and helicopter types in Essex and Herts has provided an opportunity to reduce operational costs by economies of scale being passed on to the Charity.

“Greater effectiveness will also be achieved by being able to interchange pilots, doctors and paramedics between operations as well as the purchase and maintenance of identical clinical equipment carried on the helicopters.

“As a result, critically ill patients will benefit from a better quality of care from our highly skilled teams of doctors and paramedics.”

The helicopter was bought thanks to donations and fund-raising efforts for the charity, which does not receive any taxpayer funding.

Call 0845 2417 690 for more information about Essex Air Ambulance and how to help it with fund-raising.