MORE housing will be built in a densely populated area despite a headmaster's warning it will exacerbate the lack of places at his school.

The district council has given the go-ahead to David Wilson Homes to build 14 houses on the former BPI Poly site, in Brook Road, Buckhurst Hill despite lingering concerns over educational provision in the area.

Headmaster at nearby St John's School Peter Tidmarsh had he already suffered from massive over subscription and a potential 14 more families would have a negative impact on the area.

Speaking at the council's planning meeting, the developer's agent Trevor Dodkins pointed out his employers had offered £95,924 towards providing extra school places and £100,000 towards affordable housing.

He added: “The site has been vacant for some considerable time despite determined efforts by the selling agent to secure employment use. Clearly redevelopment of the site for a different use is preferable to leaving it derelict and we are trying to respect the character of the area by building houses and not cramming the area with flats.”

Cllr Caroline Pond pointed out there were new proposals to increase provision at Buckhurst Hill Primary School by 90 places, and the housing scheme was approved unanimously.