RESIDENTS on a deprived estate are coming together for a community day for the first time in 15 years.

The day will be held in Beaumont Estate in Leyton to celebrate "years of local talent".

London and Quadrant Housing Trust, which manages the estate, and other organisations have invested £8,000 so the event can take place.

There will be fashion shows organised by young people on the estate, who will parade their own designs.

Music, dancers and singers have also been hired to create a party mood.

Event organiser Alkas Rahman, 33, said: “The purpose of the day is to bring the community together.

“That hasn't happened for many years. Before the development of the estate, there used to be a community day where everyone comes out and does something together.

“We are trying to put the estate in a positive light.”

The event will be held on the estate in Beaumont Road, Leyton, on Saturday from 12pm to 6pm.

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