REACHING a grand old age runs in the family for a Buckhurst Hill man who celebrated his 100th birthday on Wednesday.

Four generations of the family celebrated William Rebbeck's birthday at West Lodge care home in Palmerston Road.

His daughter, Carol Edwards, who organised the bash with family and neighbours, said: “He really enjoyed it and there were just enough people and a lot of cards.”

His mother and aunt lived until they were 99 and his cousins all survived into their 90s.

Mrs Edwards said: “It's in the genes, so I've got my fingers crossed.”

Mr Rebbeck stayed active into his 90s, playing bowls for Woodford and he represented Essex in the sport, as well as in table tennis.

He was also a keen tennis player and shared his love of sports with his son, Michael.

He recently moved to West Lodge from Waltham Bridge, where he lived on his own since his wife, Connie died 15 years ago.

His granddaughter Louise and great-grandson Tommy also joined in Wednesday's celebrations.