CONTROVERSIAL powers enabling council officers to fine people for low level crime and anti-social behaviour are finally being taken up.

Epping Forest District Council announced last year that a number of its officers had been granted crime-tackling powers usually associated with the police but has only now said it will actually use them.

From December, the council's environment and neighbourhood officers will be able to issue Fixed Penalty Notices (FPNs) to people for crimes such as littering, graffiti, noise, and dog fouling.

Fines for the misdemeanours range from £50 for dog-fouling to £300 for failing to produce a waste transfer notice.

If people fail to provide the council officers with their details they will be committing a criminal offence and could be sent to prison.

The transfer of powers has met with a mixed reaction across the district.

Robert Born, 54, of Buttercross Lane, Epping, has had long standing noise issues with the nearby Bakers Lane car park, but thinks the issue should be left to the police to control.

He said: “To my mind it seems lunacy. It's what the police are employed to do. They're supposed to enforce the laws of the country, and they're not using their powers correctly delegating them to other people. It's just weakening what they should be doing.”

Keiser Diadhan, 31, who has had long-term problems with anti-social behaviour outside his newsagent Eats & Bits at Debden Station disagreed.

He said: “It's a good idea. I report things to the police a lot of times and they never turn up in time. I even had a problem yesterday with youths and they still haven't turned turned up today. If there are more people around it'd be better. If the council do a better job than the police than that's a good thing.”

Council environment portfolio holder Mary Sartin said: “The notices are designed to deal with the low grade anti-social behaviour that takes up a disproportionate amount of time and money in prosecuting through the courts compared with the fines imposed. The new system will be much quicker and more effective.”