A MAN has annoyed his neighbours by leaving huge joints of meat out for foxes.

Redbridge Council has had numerous complaints from people in and around The Warren Drive, Wanstead, claiming that foxes are dragging bones and meat left out by their neighbour, Patrick Harris, across their gardens and into the road.

One woman, who asked not to be named, said: “It's not just tiny bits of meat. I was in my garden and found two rib cages.

“The foxes drag it across people's gardens. It's been going on quite a long time and we've approached the council about it because it's not like he's putting out dog food."

Another neighbour, who also asked to remain anonymous, added: “It's a nuisance and it attracts foxes. They have no fear of humans.

“We see bones in the road and carcasses up and down our drive.

"There was already a fox population here, but we don't want it increased by someone's foolish feeding.”

Mr Harris refused to say why he was putting the meat out when approached by the Guardian, adding: “No comment. You can speak to the council.”

A spokeswoman for Redbridge Council said: “This matter was investigated on numerous occasions and the man in question was contacted regarding the complaints made against him.

“However, there was not a strong enough case to take any enforcement action and the complainants were advised of this.”

She added foxes were not considered a pest by the council and it was not responsible for dealing with them directly.

“Although we advise people not to do this, there are no specific laws against it,” she added.

The council signed up to the London wildlife trust code in 2007, which states that the fox is a “proud emblem of wildlife” for the city and should be left in peace, despite claims at the time that the animals were over-running the borough.