A BABY was delivered with the help of two community police officers after they heard the mum-to-be's screams from the street.

Sharp-eared Shelley Cole, 24, and colleague Stacey Ayres, 20, were on patrol when they heard Kaparzyna Bedmarek yelling from the bedroom of her Waltham Abbey home.

They dashed to the door and were met by the sister of Ms Bedmarek's partner, Blanka Tracz, 25, who let them in.

Miss Cole said: “Stacey immediately grabbed some towels while I comforted her.

“She was holding my hands and I could already see the baby’s head. We got her onto the bed and into a birthing position.

“It all kind of happened from there. We were at the house at 6.34pm and by 6.39pm, the baby was delivered.”

But baby Pola was not breathing and started to go blue, so Miss Cole had to rub her back until she cried.

“It was only a few seconds, but it felt like ages,” she said. “Some mucus came out of the baby’s mouth and she started to cry.

“It was such a relief and I cannot tell you what an amazing experience it was.”

She said she managed to stay very calm as she had been at the birth of one of her sister's children, so knew what to expect.

Baby Pola’s father, David Tracz, 24, was at work as a teaching assistant in Westminster when he heard his partner was in labour.

“I was at work and I got a telephone call to say she felt she was giving birth and she told me to get home quick,” he said. “When I was at Seven Sisters, I got out and called her.

“She told me she could see the baby’s head coming out. I just jumped into a bus and I was trying to get home as quickly as possible.

“By the time I got there, it was 20 minutes after everything was over. I can’t explain how thankful I am to the police for coming.”