A HEALTH campaigner and charity worker who dedicated her life to helping others has died following a short stay in hospital.

Madge Bergman was an original member of Waltham Forest Action for South Africa before it became the Thuso charity, which helps disadvantaged children.

Despite health problems and family bereavements, she continued her work with the charity up until her death last month at the age of 69.

Mrs Bergman was born to a large Liverpool family and left home when she was 15 to travel to Italy.

After training as a teacher and social worker, she lived in Walthamstow and became chair of Greenleaf School Parent-Teacher Association and a Woodcraft Folk leader.

She was also active on the Priory Court Estate, working with the tenants association.

Mrs Bergman then moved to Kent, where she was employed as a social worker and set up a women’s refuge.

She returned to Waltham Forest on the death of her partner, John, several years ago, to be close to family members and her best friend Jean Craxton, who she nursed until her death.

Her busy life also included working in health monitoring as chair of the Patient and Public Involvement Forum, which launched Waltham Forest LINK, a forum for enabling people to have their say on health services.

She represented the organisation on the board of Waltham Forest Primary Care Trust and was a driving force behind a report on improving neurological services.

Mrs Bergman was also involved with the News From Nowhere Club, a local discussion group, and the Pyramid Trust, which works to increase children’s confidence in learning.

Her funeral was on December 31 and she leaves three children, Carmela, Jonathan and Daniel, and four grandchildren.

Friend Jill Watkins said: “Madge was a lively and extrovert person who will be greatly missed and remembered by many people with great affection as a good friend and a dedicated champion for improving life and services in Waltham Forest.”

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