A PUB has revised plans to extend its opening hours after police raised concerns.

The Bull on the Green in Chingford has applied to serve drinks alcohol until 12am on Fridays, Saturdays and Sundays for pre-booked events.

Previously the pub owners, ICOSPEC Ltd, submitted an application to extend drinking hours from 10pm, without specifying it would be for events.

But the pub was forced to change its plans following a consultation with the police and council.

Under new conditions, the authorities must be notified of a pre-booked event at least 10 working days before it takes place.

All doors and windows will have to remain closed, except if staff or guests need to enter or leave.

Peter Golledge, whose house in Woodland Road backs on to the pub, has objected to the plans.

He complained that functions would still cause 'serious' noise disturbance to neighbours.

He said: “[Functions] will automatically bring an increase in traffic searching for space in an already crowded area where parking is at premium and with the premises location on a busy and dangerous road junction.”

The council's licensing sub-committee will decide on the application on Monday (April 18).