A STREET was turned into a "slum" after not being swept for three weeks, it is claimed.

Litter built up throughout Antlers Hill in Chingford when street cleaners suddenly stopped their rounds without warning.

People living in the street say repeated calls to the council failed to solve the mystery.

Gloria Worboyse, 73, who lives in the road, said: "People coming to visit thought we lived in a slum - that's what it looked like. It was ugly and unhygienic.

"It's unbelievable really, it's like the council thinks Chingford is not a part of Waltham Forest, as if it's not their problem.

"I'd like to have swept up all the litter and dumped it on the town hall steps for them to deal with."

Residents of the street are required to leave their rubbish out in bags for collection every Wednesday.

However, it is common for foxes to open the bags in search of food and leave litter strewn on the street. Contractor Kier would then clean the street on Fridays.

The street was cleaned an hour after the Guardian contacted the council about the issue.

Earlier this year households were forced to store rubbish in their homes due to missed collections.

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