East London Runners had six finishers in the top ten of the Wanstead Flats 5km run on Saturday.

Euan Brown finished first in the event with a personal best time of 16.30 and he was closely followed by second-placed Thomas Grimes, who also recorded a personal best of 16.50.

On his 50th park run, Patrick Brown was unable to celebrate a victory but he did finish in third in 17.48.

James Wilson came fifth, while both Samuel Browne and Gavin Stebbing managed personal bests to come sixth and seventh respectively.

Just outside the top ten, Regis Martin’s personal best time of 19.56 was enough to see him finish 12th and Joseph Browne was 13th.

Lee Wollaston (20.29) came 15th, Jonny Shaw finished 19th and registered a personal best, while Sarah McCrea was the first lady to cross the line in 24th, also with a personal best.

Anna Charlton’s personal best time saw her come 42nd before David Wyatt (47th) and Fiona Day (53rd) completed Runners’ contingent.

At the Richmond Half Marathon, Sarah Burns ran a personal best time of 1.48.47.

The Walthamstow 5km park run saw Richard Guest record a personal best of 20.27, which was enough to finish fourth.

There were also personal best times for Jonathan Wooldridge (21.31) in seventh, George Georgiou (21.45) in eighth and Phoe Bowman (22.53) – who was the first female finisher – in 14th.

The Valentine 5km park run saw Derek Wright lead the way, crossing the line in 12th with a time of 22.03, while Mary O’Brien came 36th in 24.50 and Katherine Harris stopped the clock on 30.55.

Runners had four finishers at the Regents Park 10km including Jamie Xavier (43.26), George Georgiou (45.59), Ninette Fernandes (50.51 and a personal best) and Katherine Harris (52.47).